Technical Sessions

2016 Technical Presentations

Track One: Alternative Transportation Track Two: Technical Toolkit Track Three: Projects & Implementation Track Four: Planning
Break Out Session
Wednesday – 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Wake Transit Plan: Rethinking Transit Planning (Richard Adams; Tim Gardiner)

Planning for Rapid Transit in Canada’s “Technology Triangle” (Craig Lametti)

Federal Formula Transit Funding: Who Gets What? (Bret Martin; Meg Scully)

What Do We Know About Fixing America’s Surface: Transportation Act or “FAST Act”: How it will impact the STIP Program! (Maied Al-Ghandour)

Freight, the FAST Act and State and Regional Planning Efforts in North Carolina (Paula Dowell; Jessica Hill; Craig Gresham; John Kim; Mark E. Kirstner; Fredrick Haith; Joseph G. B. Bryan; Patrick Anater; Bjorn Hansen; Terry Arellano)

Innovative Integration of Intersection and Interchange Design: Solutions for Urban Areas (Kellie Reep; Sam Williams)

Greensboro Downtown Greenway (Adam Fischer; Dabney Sanders)

Raleigh’s Southern Gateway Study and the Interplay Between Urban Planning and Transportation (Todd B. Delk; Larry R. Zucchino; Don Bryson)

Community Engagement is Evolving (Genevieve Rubrecht; Lynn Purnell)

Innovative Approach to Public Involvement: Sound of Transit and Highway (Ahmed El-Aassar; Adam Alexander)

On-Line Data Presentation in the Charlotte Region (Bjorn E. Hansen, Dana Stroogenke)

Project & Funding Tracker: Visualize Funding and Projects from Apportionment Through Inception to Delivery (Lindsay R. Smart; Mark Phillipp)


Session 1:
Thursday 8:30-10:00 a.m.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Data Analysis Environment & Economic Development Planning for Safety
Cross-Sector Partnership Impacts Students and Families Walking and Bicycling (Lori Rhew; Ed R. Johnson; Seth LaJeunesse)

The Capital Area MPO’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program (Kenneth W. Withrow; Amy Sackaroff; Kristen Brookshire)

NCDOT Bike-Ped Planning: Lessons Learned, New Directions (John Vine-Hodge; Betsy Kane)

Big Data:  Data Analysis Tools for Decision Support (Majed Al-Ghandour)

Beneficiaries of the Data Explosion: Ridership Projections and Route Analyses (Mark E. Kirstner; John Kim; Kyle Laird)

The Sidewalk Doesn’t End: Using Open Data Standards in Transportation (Walter Jenkins)

Gray to Green: Implementing Sustainable Transportation (Roberto Canales; Jeralee Anderson; Dan Hoying)

Squaring the Circle: Reader-Friendly Documents in a Lawsuit Prone World (Jeffrey Schlotter)

Assessing Economic Impacts of the Kinston Bypass Project (Nik Carlson; Robert Deaton; Kory Wilmot)

Traffic Incident Management Assessments for MPO’s (David Graham; Kosok Chae)

Incorporate Transportation Safety in Planning Process (Reza Jafari)

Quantifying Safety Performance in Regional Planning (Elizabeth Wemple)

Session 2:
Thursday 10:30 am-12:00pm
Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Big data & GIS in Transportation Planning Prioritization Travel Patterns and Land Use
Making People Count! An Introduction to NC’s Non-Motorized Volume Data Program (Kristy Jackson)

Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Pedestrian Crashes Along the Urbanization Gradient (Trung Tran, Tram Truong, Tyler Meyer)

City of Raleigh Bike and Pedestrian Crash Data Analysis (Todd Edwards; Brandie Crawford)

Internet of Thing (IoT) and Big Data in Transportation Planning (Reza Jafari)

Travel Time Performance Measures Using Big Data (Senanu Ashiabor; Lydia McIntyre; Tyler Meyer)

Enterprise GIS in Transportation with Case Studies (Durmus Cesur)

See SPOT Run – What Happens after the Prioritization Project Submittal Window Closes? (David Wasserman; Sarah Lee; Jim Dunlop; Rob Hanson; Derrick Lewis) Impacts of Tourism Considerations in Long-Range Planning (Kent Taylor; Matt Quesenberry; Kerry Morrow; Leta Huntsinger; Pam R. Cook)

Adopting an Integrated Transportation and Land-use Policy Assessment Tool for the Triangle Region (Yanping Zhang; Felix Nwoko)

Session 3:
Thursday 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects Smarter Use of Models Project & Funding Long Range Planning
Preliminary Findings from Evaluating Shared Use Paths in NC (Sarah O’Brien; Matt Hayes)

The New Business 40 (Matthew Burczyk)

Evolution of Greensboro’s Complete Streets (Daniel Amstutz; Chris Spencer)

Models, Data, Statistics, Uses, and Best Practices (Brian Wert; Amar Pillai; John Burris)

Smarter Cost-Benefit Analysis Using Travel Models (Kyle Ward)

The State of Construction Costs for LAPP Projects & Strategies for Scoping and Estimating (Iona L. Thomas; Ed Johnson; Marta Matthews)

City of Wilmington 2014 Transportation Bond-Prioritization and Education of a Successful Transportation Bond Initiative (Mike Kozlosky; Suraiva Rashid Motsinger)

Indirect and Cumulative Effects in Long Range Planning (Alena Cook; Bob Deaton; Cindy Camacho; Taruna Tayal)

Supporting Integrated Planning and Policy Decisions with Indicators and Data from the Transportation and Health Tool (Ann Steedly)

Session 4:
Thursday 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Complete Streets Travel Demand and Micro Simulation Models Public Transportation Projects Accessibility, Mobility, and Performance
Complete Streets and Related NCDOT Policies on Accommodating Pedestrians and Bicyclists (Kendra Bridges; John Williams)

Greensboro’s 2015 BiPed Plan Update (Daniel Amstutz; Tram Truong)

Advocating for Bikeways, Sidewalks, Greenways, and Transit – Where do we go from here? (Iona Thomas; Lisa Reigel; Jason Jordan)

Travel Demand Models and Micro Simulation models (Brian Wert)

Using Passive Data to Build an Agile Tour-Based Model: A Case Study in Asheville (Greg Macfarlane; Josie Kressner)

When Models Aren’t Enough: Developing Ways to Answer Questions our Models Can’t (Tim Padgett)

Planning for Regional Express Rail in Greater Toronto – Craig Lametti

Hatteras-Ocracoke Passenger Ferry: A New Paradigm – Will Letchworth

NCDOT Locomotive Emissions Improvement Via Selective Catalytic Reduction – Lynn Harris

Multimodal Accessibility: Concepts, Applications, and Best Practices (Alex Bell; Jeremy Goldstein)

Mobility Planning: From Vision to Implementation (Allison Fluitt; Stephen Stansbery)

Performance-Based Planning Framework: Balancing Community and Regional Needs (Tracy Selin)